Five-Year Study to Determine COVID-19’s Long-Term Impacts on First Responders | JEMS
Free Con Ed!
Prodigy EMS, which is a private company that does EMS continuing education, has developed FREE continuing education con ed for anyone interested between now (December 2020) and March 2021. The content experts are all the top EMS lecturers in the country and the content is AMAZING! Check it out here:
Don’t let opioid furor cloud your judgment
“From the EMS point of view, patients experiencing nontraumatic pain have been too often overlooked. It may seem obvious that a broken bone is painful; however, abdominal pain and headaches without obvious distress present prehospital providers with a dilemma: to empathetically treat the patients’ reported pain at risk of perpetuating the opioid epidemic, or to […]
A Randomized Trial of Epinephrine in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (PARAMEDIC 2)
BACKGROUND Concern about the use of epinephrine as a treatment for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest led the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation to call for a placebo-controlled trial to determine whether the use of epinephrine is safe and effective in such patients. CONCLUSIONS In adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, the use of epinephrine resulted in a […]
Pioneer of CPR Passes Away
Dr James Jude, the pioneer of modern day CPR dies at age 87. In the 1960s, Dr. Jude and two colleagues pioneered CPR at Johns Hopkins University. Their work forever changed prehospital care and gave providers all over the world basic tools to save lives.
Prehospital Trauma Myths
An interesting read. Emergency medicine is a constantly developing field!